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Web Application With MVC


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Web design Web Programing Persianaweb

WEB Based Software

  • MVC Architecture
  • .net Framework
  • C# 
  • Javascript
  • Run and used at any time and place
  • Safer than Windows software
  • No need for manual backup
  • Data security and maintenance
  • Always updated from the latest version
  • Any browser like Firefox or Google Chrome
  • Work online at home or on the road with the service

Web Based Software Programming

Web design Web Programing Persianaweb

Web-based software is software that is offered on the Internet or intranet, in other words, web-based software runs on an information network. This feature leads to one of the superior features of web-based software. : Extent. In fact, the scope of software implementation is the same as the scope of the network. This means that as your network grows, so will your software. In fact, the concept of breadth in web applications can be equated with accessibility.

Mvc architecture is a standard type of coding for professional site design with different languages ​​such as php, asp.net and…. Is, mvc actually stands for model, view, controller, join us to explain this standard briefly and usefully.

What is the application of mvc architecture and how important is it?

To fully explain the use of mvc and its impact, we will illustrate this with an example. Suppose you are a web developer and you have designed a web application at your own request to calculate a collection’s monthly performance report. You will show the output format on the mentioned site, now suppose after 2 years the employer asks you to display the same information and a series of other information in the form of new forms and diagrams, if you use coding standards If you have not and you have directly connected to the database in the coding of this system, it will be time consuming and difficult to change the coding and reconnect in a new way, but if you have used the mvc standard in your coding Due to the separation of all sections (user and server side), making changes in this system will be easier and faster and the programmer will be more open.

The main concept of mvc

The word mvc stands for model, view, controller and its main task in simple and concise language is to separate the logical parts of the program from the user side parts, thus all the logical parts are separated from the user side and as a result make changes and Developing a website or a web-based system will be much easier for the development team.


This section is one of the main sections in three-layer architecture, the main job of this section is to communicate with the database (php my admin, sql server, etc.), such as calling information from database tables or reading information from them , This section also has other tasks such as checking the data (to check the accuracy and correctness).


This section is actually the section that the user is dealing with (user side section), the main task of this section is to take information from the two sections model, controller and display them in the user side section.


As the name implies, this part is the controller and interface between the two parts of model and view, and the main task of this part is to establish communication between the user side part and the server side part.

The above is a very brief description of three-layer architecture and is just for you dear ones to get acquainted with this topic, mvc system is a relatively new and widely used system in the world, learning it will help a lot in the better execution of your projects, thanks a lot Thank you for reading this article.

Persiana Web  Team performs all dedicated Web application design package projects in accordance with the principles of three-layer architecture or mvc, and you dear ones, if you need site design services, you can request a free consultation form for site design or SEO. Optimize so that our specialists can contact you as soon as possible.

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